更新日: 2024.07.03 銀行カードローン

三井住友銀行カードローンは一括返済がお得? 手順をわかりやすく解説!






融資上限額 金利 審査時間
最大800万円 年2.0%~14.0%※1 最短当日
融資まで 来店
最短当日 -
※1 住宅ローンのご利用で、本カードローンの金利を年0.5%引き下げます。引き下げ適用後の金利は年1.5%~13.5%です。


A lump sum payment is when you pay off the entire loan balance plus interest.

A lump-sum repayment means paying the entire loan balance and interest up to the repayment date in one go, so the loan balance after the lump-sum repayment will be 0 yen. Some people think that if they make a lump-sum repayment, they will no longer be able to use the card loan, but unlike cancellation, the card loan contract remains, so you can borrow again.
Therefore, the steps to make a lump-sum repayment of a Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation card loan are as follows:
1) Decide the date to make the lump-sum repayment and check the total loan balance and interest for that day.
There are no complicated procedures or document submissions to make a lump-sum repayment, so you can easily make a lump-sum repayment at any time.


How to check the total loan balance and interest required for lump-sum repayment

To make a lump-sum repayment, you must first check the total amount of the loan balance and interest on the day of the lump-sum repayment.
There are four ways to check the loan balance and interest.
・SMBC Direct
・SMBC Card Loan App
・SMBC Card Loan Plaza
SMBC Direct is a service that allows you to open a deposit account with SMBC, check your balance, transfer money, manage your assets, etc., online or via a dedicated app, and can be used for card loan transactions
only. With SMBC Direct, you can check not only the card loan balance, but also the interest amount up to that day. In addition
, SMBC has a dedicated card loan app that allows you to check the loan balance and the next repayment date. On the other hand, if you are unsure about checking the information online or via a dedicated app, you can contact the SMBC Card Loan Plaza. The SMBC Card Loan Plaza is a toll-free card loan inquiry desk that is open every day from 9:00 to 18:00, except on weekends, holidays, and December 31st to January 3rd.
However, depending on the time of day, it may be difficult to get through, so if you want to check your loan balance and interest at the Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation Card Loan Plaza, make sure you do so well in advance.
If you have not selected cardless for your card loan, you can also check your loan balance at an ATM. Regardless of the method, the interest amount is calculated on a pro rata basis, so be sure to check it on the day you make your lump-sum repayment.







融資上限額 金利 審査時間
最大800万円 年2.0%~14.0%※1 最短当日
融資まで 来店
最短当日 -
※1 住宅ローンのご利用で、本カードローンの金利を年0.5%引き下げます。引き下げ適用後の金利は年1.5%~13.5%です。

There are four ways to make a lump sum payment

If you pay the total of the confirmed loan balance and interest in the following four ways, the total will be paid off in one lump sum.
・Cash deposit at an ATM
・Transfer to a card loan account
・Transfer from a regular savings account to a card loan account
・Transfer from an account at another bank using SMBC Direct and online banking at another bank (Pay-easy)
Regardless of the method, if your monthly repayments are late, you will need to pay the late payment charges as well.

Cash deposit at ATM

Since you can check your balance and make a lump-sum repayment at an ATM, it is the easiest method for making a lump-sum repayment, as you can complete the procedure immediately if you have a card and cash. However, if you selected cardless when applying for a card loan, you cannot make a lump-sum repayment using this method, as you cannot make ATM transactions.

Transfer to card loan account

You can make a lump-sum repayment by transferring money to your card loan account even if you do not have an ATM that accepts Sumitomo Mitsui Bank card loans. However, since there is a transfer fee in addition to the amount required for the lump-sum repayment, it is not suitable for people who want to keep costs down and make a lump-sum repayment.

Transfer from a regular savings account to a card loan account

This method is suitable for people who use Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation as their main bank, as it involves transferring funds from a regular savings account to a card loan account. However, you will need to register your card loan account as an SMBC Direct service account.

Deposit money from other bank accounts using SMBC Direct and other bank online banking (Pay-easy)

Unlike transfers to a card loan account, there is no transfer fee, so you can reduce the cost of lump-sum repayment. However, you need to have an online banking contract with another bank, and it may not be available during system maintenance hours, as it is not accepted. The
best method for lump-sum repayment varies depending on whether you have a regular savings account with Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation or an online banking contract with another bank, so be sure to check the appropriate lump-sum repayment method in advance.


Effect of lump-sum repayment

Paying off in a lump sum has the following two effects:
– It reduces the amount of interest you pay
– You can borrow again up to your borrowing limit
The biggest effect of paying off in a lump sum is that it reduces the amount of interest you pay, and the larger the principal amount, the greater the amount of interest you can save. Taking a loan of 300,000 yen at an annual interest rate of 14.5% as an example, we will compare the amount of interest paid if you continue to make monthly payments and if you pay off in a lump sum one month after borrowing. (See Figure 1)
Figure 1

Repayment Method Number of payments Total to pay Interest paid
Pay 8,000 yen each month 51 payments
(51st payment is 2000 yen)

402,000 yen

8,000 yen x 50 times + 2,000 yen = 402,000 yen

102,000 yen

402,000 yen – 300,000 yen = 102,000 yen

Repay in full one month after borrowing Once

300,000 yen x 14.5% ÷ 12 months = 3,625 yen

300,000 yen + 362 yen = 303,625 yen

3625 yen

*Created by the author
As mentioned above, if you pay off the loan in one lump sum one month after borrowing, you can reduce the amount of interest you pay by 98,375 yen. Also, although the loan balance will be 0 yen by paying off the loan in one lump sum, the contract will continue, so if you suddenly need cash, you can immediately borrow up to the borrowing limit. If you have a way to borrow money immediately when you need it, you will have more psychological space and can spend your days with peace of mind.
Although lump sum repayment reduces the amount of interest you pay and gives you more psychological space, it is not all good. Some people feel uneasy because they have less cash on hand when they pay off the loan in one lump sum. Some people suddenly need cash and immediately borrow again, so make a lump sum repayment with spare funds that will not interfere with the payment of living expenses, etc.



We have explained in detail about lump-sum repayment of Sumitomo Mitsui Bank card loans.
A lump-sum repayment means paying the total amount of the loan balance and interest in one lump sum, and unlike cancellation, the card loan contract continues, so you can borrow again immediately if necessary. To make a lump-sum repayment, you need to check the total amount of the loan balance and interest in advance from four methods, and there are four ways to pay that amount.
By making a lump-sum repayment, you can significantly reduce the amount of interest and you are in a position to borrow again immediately, so you will have more psychological space. However, if you suddenly need cash and immediately borrow again, the benefits of a lump-sum repayment will be reduced.
Therefore, make a lump-sum repayment with spare funds that will not interfere with your living expenses.


For those using Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation’s card loansSumitomo
Mitsui Banking Corporation’s card loan app

Written by: FINANCIAL FIELD Editorial Department






融資上限額 金利 審査時間
最大800万円 3.0%~18.0% 10秒簡易審査
WEB完結 無利息期間 融資スピード
融資まで - 即日融資





融資上限額 金利 審査時間
最大800万円 3.0%~18.0% 最短18分(※)
WEB完結 無利息期間 融資スピード
※融資まで 30日間 最短18分(※)





融資上限額 金利 審査時間
最大500万円 4.5%~17.8% 最短3分審査も可能
WEB完結 無利息期間 融資スピード
融資まで 30日間 最短3分融資も可能





融資上限額 金利 審査時間
最大800万円 年2.0%~14.0%※1 最短当日
融資まで 来店
最短当日 -
※1 住宅ローンのご利用で、本カードローンの金利を年0.5%引き下げます。引き下げ適用後の金利は年1.5%~13.5%です。
※1 優遇適用後金利 0.9%~17.9%(実質年率)/基準金利 3.9%~17.9%(実質年率) ドコモ回線などのご利用状況に応じて、最大年率3.0%の金利優遇が適用。適用条件はdスマホローン公式サイトでご確認ください。